Friday, February 25, 2011

Be Creative ---> Be Brave

My favourite "truth" from the Brave Girls Club this week is:

Dear Creative Girl,

Did you know that being creative is simply making something that did not exist before you made it? We are ALL creative, and being creative is a very important, wonderful part of being alive.

You can be creative with your meals, with your clothes, with your parenting, and with your job. You can be creative in friendship, in gardening, in the books you choose. Anything!

Please don't EVER tell yourself that you are not creative, or that others are more creative than you are. Creativity is a tremendous gift that was born into all of us and that keeps our lives interesting. It is a gift that helps others because we can all think of new things that others would not think of themselves.

Share your creativity today. It is healing, it is exciting, and it is essential for forward progress. We believe in you and all that you do. Don't let the world miss out on your creative ideas!!! We need you!


"A little bird told me" - your Daily Truth from The Brave Girls Club

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