Friday, July 18, 2008

Circle of life...

A week of introspection... influenced by, amongst other things, exploring inspiration and aspirations as prompts in the My Freedom class.

These two photos are pinned on the wall to my left along with wall art that reads "Life!".

Yes, this is my life...

I see these photos everyday. Perhaps I consider this an idea of the 'older' me looking at the younger me. How much has happened in between those two instances- that's 30 something years - the thing called life!

How many times have you wished to turn back the clock?
How often do you wonder what could have been?
Given the chance, what would you change?

With these thoughts, here's a page layout idea: create a timeline of your life with an old photo and a current photo of yourself. You'll be amazed at how many memories will begin to surface. Perhaps leading to ideas for other layouts you'd like to create.

Have a great weekend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool wall! Great idea for a layout!