Wednesday, October 08, 2008

What's next?

Things haven't slowed down, and they won't be for a while yet - that's the nature of this industry!

A big thank you to all who have emailed / phoned / left comments regarding my move from the position as Editor of Time & About. If you missed the post, check it out here.
(front cover #9.)

For those who haven't seen the magazine, here's my good-bye letter along with the contents of my final issue.

So what's next...?

I have a few plans - some BIG, some not so big - all exciting though. But right now I am in the middle of the final preparations for Live, Scrap, Play!. Once the events are over, I'll breathe a little and then start on the next "thing".

So... for now, it's a case of 'watch this space'

1 comment:

Susan said...

Please let us know that our friend Stephanie Ackerman and her mother-in-law arrived safely! Steph is an awesome lady!